Introduce shadow logins

This commit is contained in:
Gregory Soutade 2015-02-09 18:57:49 +01:00
parent 636d403396
commit e9c6208b54
8 changed files with 316 additions and 133 deletions

View File

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ if ($PKDBF2_LEVEL != 1000)
for ($i=0; isset($_POST["k$i"]); $i++)
$statement->bindValue(":login", $_POST["k$i"]);
$statement->bindValue(":login", addslashes($_POST["k$i"]));
$result = $statement->execute();
$row = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC);

View File

@ -38,4 +38,26 @@ $ADMIN_MODE=true;
this value with existings masterkeys, they will unusable !
This is a security feature : It protects from database dump
and database purge without authentication.
When get all entries, instead of returning logins/passwords,
it returns "shadow logins". These are random values.
Shadow logins must be encrypted using masterkey and salt
(to generate a unique PKDBF2 derivation) that result in an access tokens.
With this access token, user has the right to get
encrypted login/password values and remove them.
It's a kind of challenge.
This option is backward compatible with old version < 0.6, but
once activated it cannot be reverted as access tokens will be
generated for all values. So, if you want to test it, make
a copy of your databases before !
For now it's deactivated because it requires high cpu bandwidth
(one derivation + two decryption for each password !). When
standard crypto API will be stable it will be enabled by default.

View File

@ -28,72 +28,11 @@
$USERS_PATH = "./users/";
function open_crypto($mkey)
function sanitize($val)
if (!isset($_SESSION['td']))
$td = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, '', MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, '');
if ($td == false)
die("Unable to open mcrypt");
$ret = mcrypt_generic_init($td, hex2bin($mkey), '0000000000000000');
if ($ret < 0)
echo "<div class=\"error\">Unable to set key $ret</div>";
return null;
$_SESSION['td'] = $td;
$td = $_SESSION['td'];
return $td;
function decrypt($mkey, $val, $salted)
$td = open_crypto($mkey);
if ($td == null) return;
$val = mdecrypt_generic($td, hex2bin($val));
// Remove 0 added by encrypt
$val = str_replace("\0", '', $val);
// Remove salt
if ($salted)
$val = substr($val, 0, strlen($val)-3);
return $val;
function encrypt($mkey, $val, $salted)
global $MAX_ENTRY_LEN;
$td = open_crypto($mkey);
if ($td == null) return;
if ($salted)
$val .= dechex(rand(256,4095)); //between 0x100 and 0xfff
$val = mcrypt_generic($td, $val);
if (strlen($val) > $MAX_ENTRY_LEN)
echo "<div class=\"error\">Value to encrypt is too long</div>";
return null;
return bin2hex($val);
return (isset($_POST[$val])) ? addslashes($_POST[$val]) : "";
// From
@ -147,6 +86,45 @@ function create_user($user)
return false;
function _migrate_0($user, $db)
try {
$db->query("ALTER TABLE gpass ADD access_token VARCHAR(32)");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE gpass ADD shadow_login VARCHAR(32)");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE gpass ADD salt VARCHAR(32)");
$db->query("CREATE TABLE db_version(version INTEGER)");
$db->query("INSERT INTO db_version (version) VALUES (1)");
catch(Exception $e)
echo "<div class=\"error\">Unable to load database for user $user ! : $e</div>";
return -1;
return 0;
function migrate_database($user, $db)
$migration_functions = ['_migrate_0'];
$version = $db->querySingle("SELECT version FROM db_version");
if ($version == false)
$version = 0;
for($i=$version; $i<$TARGET_DB_VERSION; $i++)
if ($migration_functions[$i]($user, $db))
return -1;
return 0;
function load_database($user)
global $USERS_PATH;
@ -160,13 +138,17 @@ function load_database($user)
return null;
if (migrate_database($user, $db))
return null;
// New access need to reset crypto
return $db;
function add_entry($user, $login, $password)
function add_entry($user, $login, $password,
$shadow_login, $salt, $access_token)
$db = load_database($user);
@ -184,8 +166,11 @@ function add_entry($user, $login, $password)
return false;
$result = $db->query("INSERT INTO gpass ('login', 'password') VALUES ('" . $login . "', '" . $password . "')");
$result = $db->query("INSERT INTO gpass ('login', 'password', 'shadow_login', 'salt', 'access_token') VALUES
('" . $login . "', '" . $password . "', '" . $shadow_login . "', '" . $salt . "', '" . $access_token . "')");
error_log("INSERT INTO gpass ('login', 'password', 'shadow_login', 'salt', 'access_token') VALUES
('" . $login . "', '" . $password . "', '" . $shadow_login . "', '" . $salt . "', '" . $access_token . "')");
echo "OK";
@ -193,7 +178,7 @@ function add_entry($user, $login, $password)
return true;
function delete_entry($user, $login)
function delete_entry($user, $login, $access_token)
$db = load_database($user);
@ -203,19 +188,26 @@ function delete_entry($user, $login)
return false;
$db->query("DELETE FROM gpass WHERE login='" . $login . "'");
echo "OK";
return true;
$db_ac = $db->querySingle("SELECT access_token FROM gpass WHERE login='" . $login . "'");
if (strlen($db_ac) != 0 && strcmp($db_ac, $access_token))
echo "Bad access token";
return false;
$db->query("DELETE FROM gpass WHERE login='" . $login . "'");
echo "OK";
return true;
function update_entry($user, $mkey, $old_login, $url, $login, $password)
function update_entry($user, $mkey, $old_login, $url, $login, $password, $shadow_login, $salt, $old_access_token, $new_access_token)
if (delete_entry($user, $old_login))
return add_entry($user, $mkey, $url, $login, $password);
if (delete_entry($user, $old_login, $old_access_token))
return add_entry($user, $mkey, $url, $login, $password, $shadow_login, $salt, $new_access_token);
return false;
@ -228,12 +220,60 @@ function list_entries($user)
$result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM gpass");
echo "entries\n";
$first = false;
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo "{ \"entries\" : [\n";
while (($row = $result->fetchArray()))
echo $row['login'] . ";" . $row['password'] . "\n";
if ($first) echo ",";
else $first = true;
if (!strlen($row['shadow_login']))
echo "{\"login\" : \"" . $row['login'] . "\", \"password\" : \"" . $row['password'] . "\" }\n";
echo "{\"shadow_login\" : \"" . $row['shadow_login'] . "\", \"salt\" : \"" . $row['salt'] . "\" }\n";
echo "]}";
function get_secure_entries($user, $access_tokens)
$db = load_database($user);
if ($db == null) return;
$query = "SELECT access_token, login, password FROM gpass WHERE access_token IN (";
$first = false;
foreach (preg_split("/,/", $access_tokens) as $ac)
/* error_log($ac); */
if ($first) $query .= ", ";
else $first = true;
$query .= "'$ac'";
$query .= ")";
$result = $db->query($query);
header('Content-Type: application/json');
$first = false;
echo "{ \"entries\" : [\n";
while (($row = $result->fetchArray()))
if ($first) echo ",";
else $first = true;
echo "{\"access_token\" : \"" . $row['access_token'] . "\", \"login\" : \"" . $row['login'] . "\", \"password\" : \"" . $row['password'] . "\" }\n";
echo "]}";

View File

@ -24,25 +24,49 @@ include('conf.php');
$user = "";
$user = '';
if ($ADMIN_MODE && isset($_POST['create_user']))
if (create_user($_POST['user']))
$user = addslashes($_POST['user']);
if (create_user($user))
$user = $_POST['user'];
$user = '';
$user = sanitize('user');
$login = sanitize('login');
$shadow_login = sanitize('shadow_login');
$password = sanitize('password');
$access_token = sanitize('access_token');
$access_tokens = sanitize('access_tokens');
$salt = sanitize('salt');
if (isset($_POST['get_secure_passwords']) && isset($_POST['user']) &&
return get_secure_entries($user, $access_tokens);
if (isset($_POST['get_passwords']) && isset($_POST['user']))
return list_entries($_POST['user']);
return list_entries($user);
if (isset($_POST['add_entry']) && isset($_POST['user']) &&
isset($_POST['login']) && isset($_POST['password']))
return add_entry($_POST['user'], $_POST['login'], $_POST['password']);
isset($_POST['login']) && isset($_POST['password']) &&
isset($_POST['shadow_login']) && isset($_POST['salt']) &&
isset($_POST['access_token']) )
return add_entry($user,
if (isset($_POST['delete_entry']) && isset($_POST['user']) &&
return delete_entry($_POST['user'], $_POST['login']);
isset($_POST['login']) && isset($_POST['access_token']))
return delete_entry($user,
@ -50,24 +74,24 @@ else
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" >
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="ressources/favicon.png" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ressources/gpass.css" />
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="resources/favicon.png" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="resources/gpass.css" />
<script language="javascript">
echo "pkdbf2_level=$PKDBF2_LEVEL;\n";
echo "pkdbf2_level=$PKDBF2_LEVEL; use_shadow_logins=$USE_SHADOW_LOGINS;\n";
<script src="ressources/jsaes.js"></script>
<script src="ressources/jssha256.js"></script>
<script src="ressources/hmac.js"></script>
<script src="ressources/pkdbf2.js"></script>
<script src="ressources/gpass.js"></script>
<script src="ressources/pwdmeter.js"></script>
<script src="resources/jsaes.js"></script>
<script src="resources/jssha256.js"></script>
<script src="resources/hmac.js"></script>
<script src="resources/pkdbf2.js"></script>
<script src="resources/gpass.js"></script>
<script src="resources/pwdmeter.js"></script>
<title>gPass : global Password</title>
<body onload="start();">
<div id="logo">
<a href=""><img src="ressources/gpass.png" alt="logo"/></a>
<a href=""><img src="resources/gpass.png" alt="logo"/></a>
<div id="admin" <?php if (!$ADMIN_MODE) echo "style=\"display:none\"";?> >

View File

@ -1 +1,3 @@
CREATE TABLE gpass(login VARCHAR(512) PRIMARY KEY, password VARCHAR(512));
CREATE TABLE gpass(login VARCHAR(512) PRIMARY KEY, password VARCHAR(512), shadow_login VARCHAR(32), salt VARCHAR(32), access_token VARCHAR(32));
CREATE TABLE db_version(version INTEGER);
INSERT INTO db_version VALUES (1);

server/ref/gpass.bdd Executable file → Normal file

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ body {
#scorebar {
background-image: url(/ressources/bg_strength_gradient.jpg);
background-image: url(/resources/bg_strength_gradient.jpg);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: 0 0;

View File

@ -50,20 +50,21 @@ Element.prototype.removeAllChilds = function() {
function generate_password()
function generate_random(size, only_ascii)
// symbols 32 - 47 / 58 - 64 / 91 - 96 / 123 - 126
// numbers 48 - 57
// upper 65 - 90
// lower 97 - 122
// Give priority to letters (65 - 122 duplicated in front and end of array)
var symbols = new Array(65, 90, 97, 122, 40, 47, 48, 57, 65, 90, 97, 122, 123, 126, 65, 90, 97, 122);
field = document.getElementById("new_password");
var symbols;
if (only_ascii)
symbols = new Array(65, 90, 97, 122, 40, 47, 48, 57, 65, 90, 97, 122, 123, 126, 65, 90, 97, 122);
symbols = new Array(1, 255);
var res = "";
while (res.length < 16)
while (res.length < size)
a = Math.round(Math.random() * (symbols.length/2) * 2);
diff = symbols[a+1] - symbols[a];
@ -73,7 +74,12 @@ function generate_password()
res += String.fromCharCode(r + symbols[a]);
field.value = res;
return res;
function generate_password()
document.getElementById("new_password").value = generate_random(16, true);
function url_domain(data) {
@ -111,7 +117,7 @@ var passwords;
var current_user = "";
var current_mkey = "";
function PasswordEntry (ciphered_login, ciphered_password) {
function PasswordEntry (ciphered_login, ciphered_password, salt="", shadow_login="") {
this.ciphered_login = ciphered_login;
this.ciphered_password = ciphered_password;
this.unciphered = false;
@ -119,6 +125,9 @@ function PasswordEntry (ciphered_login, ciphered_password) {
this.clear_login = "";
this.clear_password = "";
this.masterkey = "";
this.salt = salt;
this.shadow_login = shadow_login;
this.access_token = "";
this.decrypt = function(masterkey)
@ -163,6 +172,24 @@ function PasswordEntry (ciphered_login, ciphered_password) {
return !(this.isUnciphered(masterkey));
this.shadow_login_to_access_token = function(masterkey)
var aes = new AES();
var key = pkdbf2(hex2a(masterkey), hex2a(this.salt), pkdbf2_level, 256/8);
var a_key = aes.init(hex2a(key));
this.access_token = aes.encryptLongString(hex2a(this.shadow_login), a_key);
this.access_token = a2hex(this.access_token);
this.generate_access_token = function(masterkey)
this.salt = a2hex(generate_random(16, false));
this.shadow_login = a2hex(generate_random(16, false));
return this.shadow_login_to_access_token(masterkey);
function list_all_entries(user)
@ -171,17 +198,17 @@ function list_all_entries(user)
req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.addEventListener("load", function(evt) {
entries = this.responseText.split("\n");
if (entries[0] == "entries")
j = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
for(i=0; i<j.entries.length; i++)
for(i=1; i<entries.length; i++)
if (entries[i] == "") continue;
entry = entries[i].split(";");
passwords.push(new PasswordEntry(entry[0], entry[1]));
if (j.entries[i].hasOwnProperty('login'))
p = new PasswordEntry(j.entries[i].login, j.entries[i].password, "", "");
p = new PasswordEntry("", "", j.entries[i].salt, j.entries[i].shadow_login);
}, false);
, false);"POST", document.documentURI, false);
req.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8');
req.send("get_passwords=1&user=" + user);
@ -219,16 +246,77 @@ function update_stats()
// Remove all password without credentials
function put_ciphered_credentials(passwords, masterkey)
for(var i=0; i<passwords.length; i++)
remove_password_server(current_user, passwords[i].ciphered_login, '');
add_password_server(current_user, passwords[i]);
function get_ciphered_credentials(masterkey)
access_tokens = '';
old_passwords = new Array();
for(var i=0; i<passwords.length; i++)
// Already got
if (passwords[i].ciphered_login.length)
if (!passwords[i].access_token.length)
if (access_tokens.length) access_tokens += ",";
access_tokens += passwords[i].access_token;
if (old_passwords.length)
put_ciphered_credentials(old_passwords, masterkey);
if (!access_tokens.length)
req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.addEventListener("load", function(evt) {
j = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
for(i=0; i<j.entries.length; i++)
for (k=0; k<passwords.length; k++)
if (passwords[k].access_token == j.entries[i].access_token)
passwords[k].ciphered_login = j.entries[i].login;
passwords[k].ciphered_password = j.entries[i].password;
}, false);"POST", document.documentURI, false);
req.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8');
req.send("get_secure_passwords=1&user=" + user + "&access_tokens=" + access_tokens);
function change_master_key(warning_unciphered)
var nb_unciphered = 0;
if (current_mkey.length && use_shadow_logins)
for(i=0; i<passwords.length; i++)
if (passwords[i].decrypt(current_mkey))
if (!nb_unciphered && warning_unciphered)
alert("No password unciphered with this master key !");
@ -305,7 +393,6 @@ function change_master_key(warning_unciphered)
ciph_login = document.createElement("input");
ciph_login.setAttribute("name", "ciphered_login");
ciph_login.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
ciph_login.setAttribute("login", passwords[i].ciphered_login);
@ -313,7 +400,6 @@ function change_master_key(warning_unciphered)
url.setAttribute("class", "hash");
url.setAttribute("type", "text");
url.setAttribute("name", "URL");
url.setAttribute("value", passwords[i].ciphered_login);
@ -321,7 +407,6 @@ function change_master_key(warning_unciphered)
password.setAttribute("class", "hash");
password.setAttribute("type", "text");
password.setAttribute("name", "password");
password.setAttribute("value", passwords[i].ciphered_password);
delete_button = document.createElement("input");
@ -331,6 +416,19 @@ function change_master_key(warning_unciphered)
if (passwords[i].ciphered_login.length)
ciph_login.setAttribute("login", passwords[i].ciphered_login);
url.setAttribute("value", passwords[i].ciphered_login);
password.setAttribute("value", passwords[i].ciphered_password);
ciph_login.setAttribute("login", passwords[i].shadow_login);
url.setAttribute("value", passwords[i].shadow_login);
// password empty
@ -393,7 +491,7 @@ function add_password_server(user, pentry)
}, false);"POST", document.documentURI, false);
req.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8');
req.send("add_entry=1&user=" + user + "&login=" + pentry.ciphered_login + "&password=" + pentry.ciphered_password);
req.send("add_entry=1&user=" + user + "&login=" + pentry.ciphered_login + "&password=" + pentry.ciphered_password + "&shadow_login=" + pentry.shadow_login + "&salt=" + pentry.salt + "&access_token=" + pentry.access_token);
return ok;
@ -445,12 +543,7 @@ function construct_pentry(user, url, password, login, mkey, derive_masterkey)
ciphered_login = "@@" + url + ";" + login;
// Add salt
for(i=0; i<3; i++)
password += String.fromCharCode((Math.random() * 128)+1);
ciphered_password = password;
ciphered_password = password + generate_random(3, false);
aes = new AES();
a_masterkey = aes.init(hex2a(mkey));
@ -461,13 +554,15 @@ function construct_pentry(user, url, password, login, mkey, derive_masterkey)
pentry.unciphered = true;
pentry.clear_url = url;
pentry.clear_login = login;
pentry.clear_password = password.substr(0, password.length-3);
pentry.clear_password = password;
pentry.masterkey = mkey;
if (use_shadow_logins)
return pentry;
function remove_password_server(user, login)
function remove_password_server(user, login, access_token)
var ok = false;
@ -481,7 +576,7 @@ function remove_password_server(user, login)
}, false);"POST", document.documentURI, false);
req.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8');
req.send("delete_entry=1&user=" + user + "&login=" + login);
req.send("delete_entry=1&user=" + user + "&login=" + login + "&access_token=" + access_token);
return ok;
@ -579,7 +674,7 @@ function delete_entry(entry_number)
if(!confirm("Are you sure want to delete this entry ?"))
ok = remove_password_server(current_user, ciphered_login.getAttribute("login"));
ok = remove_password_server(current_user, ciphered_login.getAttribute("login"), passwords[i].access_token);
if (!ok) return;
@ -644,7 +739,7 @@ function update_entry(entry_number)
if (pentry == null) return;
ok = remove_password_server(current_user, passwords[found].ciphered_login);
ok = remove_password_server(current_user, passwords[found].ciphered_login, passwords[found].access_token);
if (!ok) return;
ok = add_password_server(current_user, pentry);